invites you and a friend to join Laura Moore from "Story of a City" for a lively Zoom presentation on:
The Life and Times of Monsieur,
Brother to the Sun King

Everyone knows the story of King Louis XIV of France. The Sun King. He’s the longest reigning European monarch in history (although Queen Elizabeth is giving him a run for his money!)
But how many people know the story of Louis’ dashing younger brother, Philippe?
Great care was taken during Philippe’s upbringing to ensure that he would not threaten his older brother’s reign, but nothing could stop him from causing a sensation at court time and time again. Military commander, notorious crossdresser, war hero, and lover of both men and women, Philippe cemented his place in history by founding the House of Orleans. Through the strategic marriages of his children and grandchildren, he eventually became known as the grandfather of Europe.
Laura Moore moved to Paris on a whim, and six years later, France is still stuck with her. A typical freelancer, Laura holds many titles, including Event Manager, Theatre Producer, and Ghostwriter. Laura has worked as a tour guide in Paris since 2015, and in 2018, she founded Story of a City to bring together her love of storytelling and French history. Laura also writes weekly articles at Story of a City about Paris and her life in France, and writes a daily arts and culture blog at The Daily Hart.
Register now for an event you will not want to miss!
Thursday, March 4th, 2021
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Members and their guests: Free of Charge
Non-members: €10
Register Now!
Zoom Meeting Info:
Login credentials will be sent to registered participants the day of the event.
The American Club of Paris - 4, rue de Chevreuse - 75006 - Paris