invites you to a private guided tour (in English) of
Art Deco, France-America. Mutual Emulation
Following La Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine's 2013 exhibition titled 1925, When Art Deco seduced the world, the museum sequels with a fascinating retrospective highlighting France's influence over North America in the 1920's.
The carefully curated exhibition tells the story of how French Art Deco, characterized in particular by its use of lines, ornaments, curves and floral motifs, influenced North American architecture and decor and helped shape its lifestyle and taste.
In the last two decades of the 19th century, Paris' prestigious Ecole des Beaux-Arts welcomed several hundred American and Canadian architects eager to master the French art of composition and ornamentation, which in turn provided the foundation for future exchanges between France and North America. Once back on their home turf, these architects built and furnished Art Deco buildings in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Toronto and Montreal.
This reciprocal emulation between France and America reached its peak in 1925 at the Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes World Fair. An American delegation of 104 members was sent by then Secretary of State for Commerce, Mr Herbert Hoover, to observe this resolutely modern "new style". At the same time, France entrusted a diplomatic mission to Art Deco, claiming it as its own and ensuring its dissemination. As the keystone of all the arts, architecture led to stylistic changes in many professions: painters, sculptors, designers, ironworkers, and muralists became one with the buildings and accompanied them by sublimating this new architecture. Fashion, jewelry and tableware were inspired by this new style whose simple and fluid lines contrasted with the previous Art Nouveau period.
Finally, this dynamic was broken by the economic crisis of 1929 with French architects returning home to France. In 1934, Jacques Carlu was entrusted with the project of the Trocadero Palace and thought of its modernization based on his American memories. The work gave birth to a new building, and the architect articulated his project around the creation of an esplanade and the creation of a grandiose perspective on the city and the Eiffel Tower, framed by a building of American proportions: art deco had crossed the ocean again.
Register now for a last chance to visit this mesmerising temporary exhibition focusing on not only on architecture, but also on the cultural and artistic life of this prolific period and by such, reflecting the unceasing dialogue between France and North America around the infamous Art Deco style.

Exposition Art déco France / Amérique du Nord, 2022 © Denys Vinson
Thursday, February 23rd, 2023
Meet at 5:00 pm, tour begins at 5:15 pm sharp and ends around 6:45 pm
Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine
1 Place du Trocardéro et du 11 Novembre
75116 Paris
Only 15 places available*
Members: € 15.00
Non-Members: € 25.00
Register Now!
* Waitlist available!
Optional Drinks:
Following the visit, group drinks will be organized for those interested. Stay tuned for details.

Exposition Art déco France / Amérique du Nord, 2022 © Denys Vinson
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The American Club of Paris - 4, rue de Chevreuse - 75006 - Paris