is pleased to invite you to an event at
Château de Sourches -
Conservatoire de la Pivoine

Join us for an unforgettable day at the magnificent Château de Sourches in Saint-Symphorien near Le Mans, home of the world-renowned Conservatoire de la Pivoine.
Let your senses guide you as we start off our private tour in the Château's world-renowned peonies gardens with none other than the chatelaine herself, Benedicte de Foucaud, a prominent peonies expert and author of four books on the subject, as our private tour guide.
Preserving an astounding 2,814 different kinds of peonies and expected to be in full bloom at the time of our visit, let yourself be carried away as we stroll amongst the 4,000 peonies. Listen as Madame de Foucaud shares her vast knowledge on this precious flower, how to plant and care for it, including sharing her insider tip on how to create an intersectional hybrid of two different types of peonies!

Then, immerse yourself in the rich (hi-)story of the grounds as we tour the château, once used to store works of art from the Louvre and Versailles during the 2nd World War.
Finally, our visit will be rounded off in the beautiful dining room of the château for a delicious luncheon overlooking the stunning gardens.
Register now for a chance to visit this magnificent castle, steeped in history and culture, surrounded by breathtaking peonies in full bloom!
Saturday, May 20th, 2023
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Château de Sourches
Conservatoire de la Pivoine
72240 Saint-Symphorien
Members : €80
Non-Members: €95
Price includes tour of the gardens and the château as well as lunch.
Only 30 spots*
Waitlist available
Register Now!
Getting there:
By train:
Participants are asked to arrange their own transportation
from Paris Montparnasse to the Le Mans TGV train station.
To Le Mans: TGV INOUI N°8913/N°8973 leaving Paris Montparnasse at 8h17, arriving at Le Mans at 10h21.
From Le Mans: TER N°16778 leaving Le Mans at 17h38, arriving Paris Montparnasse at 19h53.
R/t transportation from the Le Mans TGV station to the Château de Sourches in Saint-Symphorien can be organized for an incremental charge of approx. €50 per person depending on number of guests.
By car:
Should you choose to come by car (approx. 2h35 drive), we kindly ask that you arrive at the Château de Sourches by 10:45 am at the latest.
Extending your stay?
The picturesque La Groire, Hôtel de Charme in nearby Vieux Le Mans is offering American Club of Paris' members and friends a special discounted rate which includes a continental breakfast (coffee/tea and croissants):
€239* for a Chambre Elégante
€269* for a Chambre Privilège
* rate modifiable and refundable
When booking, please reference the
special ACP code "Peony's lover".

And for more information on the Château de Sourches and the
Conservatoire de la Pivoine, we invite you to visit their website by clicking here.
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