invites you to a private guided tour (in English) of
Un Printemps Incertain.
Invitation à 40 Créateurs.

“It was an uncertain spring”, Virginia Woolf wrote in her novel The Years, published in 1937.
And our own spring of 2020? Most uncertain as well.
It was a time marked by an unprecedented opportunity to reignite creativity, to reactive dormant projects, to create; a time for questioning and exploring, for exploring and pushing boundaries. Mixing disciplines and spanning several generations, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs's temporary exhibition “Un Printemps Uncertain” showcases the works of 40 artists, designers and artisans who during the long suspended months of the Covid-19 pandemic never stopped creating, designing, writing, imagining or collecting.
Woven into the permanent collections of the modern and contemporary galleries, the exhibition fosters a conversation between art and objects created during the confinement and other, more reflective artistic explorations undertaken during this long, uncertain, anxious yet still highly creative period. Displaying pieces charged with self discovery and personal history, bearing witness to a singular moment, warily passed, allowing artists to take a step onto unknown or forgotten paths. A time for isolation, solitude, or reunion. Some worked in silence while others were surrounded by the turmoil of family life, but all have, through their creations, discovered the horizons.
For each of these 40 artists, the pandemic was a source of inspiration, shown by embroideries of the virus, a film about the impatience of objects waiting for the return of visitors, and 3D-printed visors for hospitals. But “An uncertain spring” couldn’t merely show pieces inspired by the Coronavirus. That would have been too literal. For some, nature and life were a recurring theme; it was the flight of a butterfly yearning for freedom, a collection of pebbles polished by waves, drawings of tables set in inaccessible gardens, interwoven invading plants or a “painting” made of feathers.
Join us for a private, guided tour of this meticulously curated exhibit showcasing how the pandemic challenged and forever changed our perceptions of artistic creation and time.
Saturday, July 17th, 2021
Meet at 2:45 pm, tour begins at 3:00 pm sharp and
ends around 4:30 pm
Musée des Arts Décoratifs
107, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Only 20 places available*
Members: € 20.00
Non-Members: € 25.00
Register Now!
* Waitlist available!
Payment for registration is due if not cancelled by
Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 at 3 pm CEST.
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