is delighted to invite you to join Marie Tatibouet, CMO at Gate.io
for a lively Zoom presentation on:
Everything you always wanted to know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies (but were afraid to ask)
Everyone is talking about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies - but what do these terms really mean? What is a cryptocurrency? How many are there and what are they (really) worth? What sets Bitcoin apart as the most talked about, but not necessarily highest performing digital currency? How does one invest in cryptocurrencies? What risks are involved? Where and how can cryptocurrencies already be used as legal tender? Will Bitcoin and/or other cryptocurrencies one day really replace fiat money?
Listen in as Marie answers these "basic" yet fundamental questions about digital currencies, and more, while sharing her expertise on one of today's hottest commodities (no pun intended).
Marie Tatibouet has lived and worked in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Prior to joining Gate.io as CMO, she was CEO at The Social Ladder, a successful digital marketing agency in Hong Kong, working with clients in the blockchain technology sector.
Today Marie is driven by a desire to help educate people about blockchain technology. She is passionate about spreading the word about cryptocurrency exchange and Gate.io's values of security, transparency, and integrity.
Register now for the opportunity to listen to an expert share her vast knowledge of cryptocurrencies and their power to transform the world.
Monday, January 17th, 2022
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Members and their guests: Free
Non-members: €10
Register Now!
Zoom Meeting Info:
Login credentials will be sent to registered participants the day of the event.
Time permitting the event will end with a Q&A. We invite participants to send in their questions prior to the event. Please email them to contact@americanclubparis.org no later than Friday, January 14th, 2022.
Follow us @americanclubparis

The American Club of Paris - 4, rue de Chevreuse - 75006 - Paris