invites you to a private guided tour (in English) of
The Birth of the Department Store
Fashion, Design, Toys, Advertising

© Musée des Arts Décoratifs
From Spring to Autumn 2024, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs and the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine will join forces for a two-part exploration of the inception and evolution of department stores in Paris, tracing their origins from 1852 to the present day.
Join us for a private, guided tour (in English) of the inaugural exhibition, hosted at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, that explores the emergence of department stores against the backdrop of the Second Empire's historical, political, and social milieu. The carefully curated exhibition charts the trajectory from the inception of the department store to its pinnacle, culminating in the recognition of this avant-garde concept at the 1925 International Exhibition of Decorative and Industrial Arts. Commencing with the introduction of such iconic establishments as Le Bon Marché, Les Magasins du Louvre, Le Printemps, La Samaritaine, and Les Galeries Lafayette, the exhibition illuminates the transformative impact of this innovative commercial model and its role in shaping a burgeoning culture of consumerism, notably propelled by women.
Register now!

© sortiraparis
Saturday, May 4th, 2024
Meet at 10:15 am, tour begins at 10:30 am sharp and ends around 12:00 pm
Musée des Arts Décoratifs
107, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Only 20 places available*
Members: € 20.00
Guests: € 30.00
Register Now!
* Waitlist available!
And for more information ahead of our event,
we invite you to peruse the exhibition brochure.
Optional Luncheon:
Following the visit, an optional group luncheon
will be organized at nearby Café Ruc.
Please let us know should you be interested in joining.

© sortiraparis
Follow The American Club of Paris

4 rue de Chevreuse
75006 Paris
Ph: +33/1 47 23 64 36
E-mail: contact@americanclubparis.org
Website: www.americanclubparis.org
Follow The American Club of Paris

4 rue de Chevreuse
75006 Paris
Ph: +33/1 47 23 64 36
E-mail: contact@americanclubparis.org
Website: www.americanclubparis.org