We were honored to be invited by Ralph Lauren to the private launch of his latest 2020 Women's Collection. This was a totally immersive experience by one of fashion's most iconic designers of ALL time.
The best indoor skydiving center and the only one in the heart of Paris! Flying into one of the biggest wind tunnels was exciting, and fun for all ages and completely safe.
Our monthly happy hour where we see old friends, meet new friends, and bring friends to discover the American Club!
The Musée des Arts décoratif pays hommage to the shoe, in all its forms, in an exhibition titled 'Marche et démarches', a history of the shoe.
A jolly jolly evening where ACP members got together and celebrated Christmas!
The Club's annual Thanksgiving Gala Dinner at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature. This year we got such an incredible turnout and wow that turkey was delicious!
Kraemer is the oldest family owned gallery based in Paris since 1875, specialized in Museum quality 18th century furniture and objets d'art.
Our President’s Madame Leonard’s absolute favourite musical of all times! A night of pure entertainment, joy and laughter.
A lovely night spent at Breguet’s Museum: one of the oldest surviving watchmaker. Member and their spouses got the chance to experience a private guided visit and a glass of champagne at the Breguet Museum.
(c) The American Club of Paris
A non-partisan, non-profit social Club under the French Association Law of 1901
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